Sunday, June 21, 2009

Desert Sufi Love

The Prayerie Dog's Poem came to an end, but in the meantime the preyerie frogs fell in love with the prayerie dog. May be because he is so turquoise, may be because he is a digger, may be because he knows the inner meaning of prayers...

Or may be are these frogs just liyng drunk in the Tavern, dreaming of Painted Deserts and Chocolatte Mountains that do not actually exist?

Who knows...but when it comes to Love, it is enough to imagine It, and Love becomes Real. Isn't the heartache real? Isn't the longing real?

The preyerie frogs, having tasted Love, slowly forget their preying, for all they wish is to pray again. So they invent froggionate, frogthetic, froggyful ways of calling the Prayerie Dog out of his many burrows.

Love is One, and while each sufi frog has a unique way to express it, all that they truly desire is the same: to be guided back to the Prayerie again.

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